NASA’s 3D-Printed Mars Habitat Challenge

In 2015, NASA announced a ‘3D-Printed Habitat Challenge’ to build ‘sustainable shelters’ for astronauts to stay in Moon and Mars. The challenge was to design and construct a habitat of 1,000 square feet of living space to accommodate four astronauts. The habitat should include life support and critical survival systems such as mechanical and electrical systems, plumbing, spacesuit and more. The challenge was conducted in three phases. Phase 1 was the Design Competition, in which the participants submitted architectural renderings. 

(A habitat model created by X-Arc. Photo Courtesy: X-Arc/NASA)

Phase 2 was the Structural Member Competition, in which the participants created structural components. Finally, Phase 3 was the On-Site Habitat Competition, in which the teams had to create a virtual habitat using Building Information Modeling (BIM) software and to construct one-third-scale of the habitat using 3D printing technology. 

The main condition of the competition was to use recyclable material or materials found on the Moon or Mars to build the habitat. NASA awarded $3.15 million to the participants at the different levels of the competition. More than 60 teams participated in the competition. Based on the designs submitted, NASA selected the top ten teams on June 29, 2018. Then, on July 23, 2018, NASA selected the top five teams based on the digital representations and the functional characteristics of a house on Mars created using the software.

(MARSHA habitat model created by AI SpaceFactory. Photo Courtesy: AI SpaceFactory)

For the final Phase 3 and Level 5, two teams namely AI SpaceFactory of New York and the Pennsylvania State University of University Park competed. The two teams built their habitat for more than four days with ‘30 hours of 3D printing’. In the end, the habitat constructed by AI SpaceFactory won the $500,000 prize, while the Pennsylvania State University of College Park won the second prize of $200,000. 

Both the teams constructed the buildings using 3D printing robot with little help from the humans. The buildings were carefully tested by NASA’s judges. They tested the quality of the material and strength, durability and leakage of the structure. 

(TERA habitat is being built by AI SpaceFactory in Garrison, NY. Photo Courtesy: AI SpaceFactory)

The habitat built by AI SpaceFactory is called MARSHA. It is a cylindrical and egg-shaped habitat with a pressurized interior. They used basalt composite and plant-based polymers to build MARSHA. Basalt can be easily found on Mars and plants can be grown on Mars. So, astronauts can be able to build MARSHA on Mars. MARSHA has multiple floors which include wet labs, kitchen, hydroponic garden, living quarters and gym. This autonomous construction technology will not only be used for space missions but also in Earth for constructing affordable accommodation. AI SpaceFactory is already building a MARSHA-like house in Garrison, New York called TERA using the materials recycled from MARSHA.
